Browse the best Flight & Space Sim Controllers

10 products

Compare the Gladiator EVO and Gunfighter Mk.IV series

Features Gladiator EVO Gunfighter Mk.IV 
Short Description Best mid-budget joystick with top-end features Best high-end joystick with premium features
Ideal for Flight & Space sim games Flight & Space sim games
Controller Base

ABS hard plastic
Gimbal with ball bearings
Adjustable dry clutches for user-tunable loads
3 spring tension options for x / y axes
2 contactless MaRS sensors on x / y axes
Lockable x axis

All-metal gimbal and case
New-gen clutch with non-stiction soft start
Next-gen adjustable axis dampers
Swappable progressive and linear cams with hard / soft centre
Axes spring pre-tighteners
6 spring tension options for x / y axes
Processor STM Arm 32-bit Cortex-M4 CPU with FPU Black box 3 with 32-bit ARM MCU with Hi-speed USB Controller
Compatible grips Space Combat SCG (left / right hand)
   - Premium or Standard
   - Omni Throttle
F-14 (right hand)
WWII Combat Edition KG12 (right hand)
Space Combat SCG (left / right hand)
   - Premium or Standard
   - Omni Throttle
Multi Combat MCG Pro (right-hand)
Multi Combat MCG Ultimate (right hand)
F-14 (right hand)
WWII Combat Edition KG12 (right hand)
Grips swappable Yes Yes
Grip extensions Not available 200mm curved
100mm straight
Desk mount Universal Desk Mount (UCM) - short Universal Desk Mount (UCM) - short and long
Compatible Windows PC Windows PC
Works with All flight & space sim games All flight & space sim games
Product video
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What is so special about VKB flight controllers?

VKB is the world's premier manufacturer of flight & space sim controllers for any type of virtual aircraft and spacecraft.

Our controllers are of the highest quality, extremely versatile and many simmers use them for flight & space sim games and multiple sub-genres like general aviation, military combat flight as well as space combat and exploration.

Thanks to their superior engineering, full modularity and high-level customisation, VKB controllers provide an industry-leading immersive and realistic flying experience with high precision controls.

Take to the skies with ultimate control!

Which games can be played with VKB controllers?

VKB controllers work with most PC sim and other games, including all popular flight & space sim games such as Microsoft Flight Simulator, DCS, X-Plane, IL-2 Sturmovik, War Thunder, Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous etc..
VKB controllers may even be used for games such as Farm Simulator, Train Simulator, Battlefield, etc..

Can VKB controllers be mixed and matched? Are there any limitations?

Yes, you can choose any combination of VKB controllers / hardware.

Want a Gladiator flight stick with a STECS throttle? No problem.
Upgrade later to the Gunfighter and keep your Gladiator grip? Sure, with a low-cost adapter that's no issue.
Playing flight and space sims but want to only use one Gladiator or Gunfighter base? Yes, all that can be done!

When it comes to hardware, VKB has carefully considered the compatibility of all components for current and future modularity.

This is the VKB Universe where you build your own personalised cockpit!

What platforms are VKB controllers compatible with?

VKB controllers are compatible with Windows PCs.
They are not compatible with Xbox, PS5, Apple or any other platforms.

I am new to flight & space simulation. Which controllers should I choose?

In very simple terms you should choose a flight stick, a throttle and ideally rudder pedals.

1. Joystick

You have the option between the Gladiator EVO series and the premium Gunfighter Mk.IV series.

The Gladiator EVO is a fantastic mid-priced controller with high-tech features. It comes with multiple grip options.
You can adjust the gimbal to adjust the stick movement extension exactly how you like it.
You won’t find a better controller in this price range.

The Gladiator EVO is by far the most popular joystick!

Here is some more info about the Gladiator EVO:

For general aviation, military aircraft and space sim purposes we recommend the ‘Space Combat Grip’ SCG grip unless you specifically want to fly the F-14 or WWI/II warbirds only in which case you could opt for the F-14 grip or the WWII Combat Edition KG12 grip.

The Gunfighter Mk.IV series was released in 2023 and boasts the ultimate in joystick technology.
You get the full gimbal adjustability with ultra-precise movements.
And you can add stick extensions if you want to strive for the very best stick precision.

We recommend the MCG grip as it is the most versatile and perfect for all types of aircraft.
The MCG Ultimate – an all-metal grip that is clearly the king of joysticks in the market.

You can’t go wrong with any of the suggested options and it may well come down to how much you like to spend. 

Throttle and Rudder pedals

Please see the Throttle and Rudder pedals sections for further information.

What setup do you recommend for gliders?

The best option is a Gunfighter stick with 200mm extension mounted on a UCM desk mount, plus T-Rudder pedals.

The Gunfighter base allows to tweak the dampeners and spring tensions exactly at the resistance that most closely resembles the real-life situation.

The Gunfighter platform is extremely sturdy and perfect for the most-immersive flight sim experience.

The Gunfighter stick extension augments the Gunfighter’s already unparalleled precision.
A stick extension is preferred by our sim customers who are seeking the best
possible control precision.

The UCM mount provides an ergonomic and height adjustable setup, ideal for your setup that suits many different pilots.

The T-Rudder is an all-metal low-profile rudder pedals that is durable and extremely sturdy.
The pedal tension can be adjusted to your needs.

This is a fantastic sim cockpit configuration and will last for many years to come.